Anora is an upcoming 2024 romantic comedy-drama directed by Sean Baker, known for his exploration of marginalized characters and sharp social commentary. The film stars Mikey Madison as the titular Anora, a young sex worker from Brooklyn who finds herself caught in a whirlwind romance with Vanya, the son of a Russian oligarch. After an impulsive Las Vegas wedding, Anora’s newfound fairytale is threatened when Vanya’s wealthy and powerful family steps in, seeking to annul the marriage.
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This film, which won the Palme d’Or at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, is being hailed as a fresh, modern twist on the classic “Cinderella” story, laced with Baker’s signature blend of humor and realism. Madison’s portrayal of Anora has garnered significant praise, positioning her as a standout performance of the year. The movie balances comedic moments with darker undercurrents, addressing themes of class disparity, love, and survival in a capitalist society.